More Winter Decorating Ideas
Here are more winter decorating ideas. We use our tree-lamp a lot and I like to decorate it as well. During Christmas time I use Christmas ornaments and lots of red, but now, after taking it all off, the tree looked very bare. Now it has some winter glitz. Clean and shiny. Just like fresh snow and icicles.

For this decoration I used a white LED-tree, glitzy stones, mini star pillows in gold and a couple of winter ornaments. The white trees can be used easily for all seasons, more so than the black ones. I think they blend in more. But I guess it is a matter of taste as well. So do use the color that fits best for your home.
The base of the tree I put in a brass bowl and added the heavier glitzy stones on top. That stabilized the tree by weighing it down. Then I covered it with the mini star pillows. The stones poking through almost look like wood chips. They are very versatile and can be used for lots of decorating ideas. Even in a mason jar with a candle on top.

Winter Decorating Ideas. Use any or all of your wintery decoration to keep the mood going. After taking down the Christmas decoration it always looks so bare and dark in the house. I find it almost depressing. And it will be a while before you can decorate for Valentine’s Day and even longer before the Easter and spring decorations come out. So let’s do something about it and decorate for winter. Last chance for glitz 🙂 And don’t we all love glitz? And let’s not forget lights. Personally I long for light during this time of the year. I try to set up as many light decorations as I can.