So it’s Christmas time soon and nothing is more fun than making Christmas decorations yourself. I have been making theese sock snowmen. They are so cute and lots of fun to make. All you need are some tennis socks and some cuddly socks (all new of course), rice and decorations. I use the hot-glue gun to fix everything in place. Look how wonderful they turn out! And the best thing is, you can keep them out as Winter Decorations. Making Christmas Decorations – Sock Snowman

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen

When you buy the tennis socks make sure they are stretchy. You want your snowmen to look round when you fill in the rice 🙂 Also make sure when you get the cuddly socks that they don’t have “ABS”, these little rubbery dots on the bottom. They really do not look nice on the hats!

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen

Here are the basic materials you need to make a sock snowman, or two or three. The buttons are for decorating and the stick-on half-pearls turn into the eyes.

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen: Basic Items for making Sock Snowman

First the tennis socks have to be cut in half. You do that right at the heel. If your socks are not very thick, you might want to use both halfs. It does make the snowman more stabil. Otherwise take the “toe” half and start filling in the rice. When you are finished, tie off the top. Then cut off excess fabric.

The best way to find out the right amount of rice to use for filling is by weighing the snowman. For me it is 800g = approx. 4cups. It really depnds on the socks you are using and how big you want your snowman to be.

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen: Basic Sock Snowman

After that the next thing is to find the spot where to tie off the neck. Do not tie it off all the way. The head needs some support and not wiggle around. About half way works for me.

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen: Basic Sock Snowman with Hat

And now it is time to find the right hat for your snowman. First try out different cuddly socks until you find the right one. That way you can also see where to cut the sock for the best fit. Then to make the hat stand up, fill it with some poly-filling. To keep it in place use the hot-glue.

Next for the scarfs you cut off 2 rings from the cuddly socks. One you cut open and the other you put around the snowman’s neck. Stick the open piece through the other one. And now you have the scarf! Cut some fringes at the bottom and attach anything that should not move with hot-glue.

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen: Sock Snowman with Red Hat and Bells as Buttons

Next you need the eyes and the nose and some decorations. The nose I cut out of orange felt and glued it on. For the eyes I used half-pearls and with a permanent maker turned them black. Black half-pearls are hard to find and much more expensive. Even though the pearls are sticky they need to be glued on anyway. They will fall off otherwise!

Using half-pearls as eyes painting them black

Now it is time to decorate your snowman. I used little bells for buttons and some buttons with glitzy ribbons on the scarf. Also make sure to glue everything on so nothing falls off. So here is your finished snowman. Making Christmas Decorations – Sock Snowman. A great and easy way to decorate your home.

Making Christmas Decorations - Sock Snowmen: Sock Snowman with Blue Scarf

Sock Snowman


  • Hot Glue-Gun


  • 1 pair tennis socks must be stretchy
  • 1 cuddly sock without rubber on them
  • 4 cups rice
  • 2 half-pearls painted black
  • orange felt for the nose
  • decorational items little bells, snowflakes, leafs and more
  • buttons
  • fiber filling for stuffing the hat
  • string
  • hot-glue


  • Cut the tennis socks in half. Fill the "toe" side with rice and tie off at the top. Tie off in the middle half way for the neck.
  • Choose cuddly sock for hat and cut accordingly. Glue onto head.
  • Cut 2 rings from cuddly sock to use as scarf. Put one ring over the neck and cut the other ring open. Stick under the ring on the snowman. Glue everythingin place.
  • Cut little triangle from orange felt as the nose and glue it on. Paint half-pearls black and glue on.
  • Decorate snowman. Glue everything in place.