Onion, miracle food and home remedy

We all know onions are very tasty. A lot of dishes would just not taste the same without them. But did you know that it can do so much more? Onion is a miracle food and home remedy.
Onion and also garlic are actually natural sources which are known to possess antibacterial and antiviral properties, because they contain sulfur compounds. So they are not only yummy, but can be used as medicine in form of a home remedy, too. You can look it up in the Internet yourself, but I also have a couple of links you can try: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337227031_Efficacy_of_Garlic_and_Onion_against_virus and https://observer.com/2018/04/the-5-most-powerful-all-natural-antibiotics/
Our daughter had problems with ear aches when she was young quite a bit. The only thing that helped was onion juice. Much more than the ear drops one can buy from the pharmacy. Even our pediatrician agreed wholeheartedly. And it is very simple to make. Cut an onion into pieces and squeeze the juice out of it with a garlic press. That juice you drip into the hurting ear, about 2 drops. Then cover the ear with some cotton. True your child will smell of onion, but without an ear ache. Onion, the miracle food, or medicine in this case.
Another great use for onion is to help coughs and colds. Even the old egyptians already knew that and made sure to feed their workers onions. Here you need to make onion syrup. And it is so easy to do.

First you need to chop a white onion. Put the pieces into a bowl. Then you add brown sugar on top. This will make the juice come out. Remember doing that with strawberries? It is the same principle.

Now mix in the sugar a little bit and let it sit for a while. I leave it for at least 3hrs, before I use any syrup.

In the picture above you can see how the syrup has formed. There shouldn’t be any sugar crystals left. You can filter out the pices now.
I have to admit, if I make the syrup for only one person I usually don’t filter. I just tilt the bowl and spoon out the syrup as needed. If two or more people need the syrup it is better to filter and put it in a jar or small bottle.
After using some of the syrup you can add a little more sugar to the onion to make more. Adding extra sugar only works once though and then there is no more juice left in the onion.
For a cough or a cold take 1-2 tablespoons at least 3x a day. Kids take less. This is one of our staple home remedies and it really, really helps. But don’t forget to use onion (and garlic) for cooking. It tastes good and helps your immune system at the same time.
Onion, miracle food and home remedy.
Onion Syrup
- 1 white onion
- 3 tbsp brown sugar or as needed
- Chop the onion and put the pieces into a bowl. Then add 3 tbsp (or as much as needed) of brown sugar and mix it up. Now let the mix sit for at least 3hrs or until the syrup has formed. No sugar crystals should be left. Filter into a jar or small bottle.